
About Liz

Entrepreneur Mom

Former student of Formula Botanica and currently arts and crafts.

I like spending time with my family, I love hanging out with our friends and being useful in my community. The greatest satisfaction and achievement is knowing that I have been able to give everything for my family.

The only thing I can say is that while my children were young, I left my ambitions and personal goals behind to help at home full-time in the upbringing and education of my children, now that they are grown and are becoming more independent day by day, I decided that it is time to resume the course and obtain personal achievements but this time with the help of my family.

“The only place where you stop learning, growing or fulfilling yourself is the grave” LM

My Story

How I Got Started

After serving for several years in the church working with youth and adolescents alongside my husband and as my children grew, I realized that some of the youths were really going through a stage where acne and other skin infections developed. remarkable in a great way and two of them at that time were my children, so I decided to learn and take action in this regard to help them, I must clarify that the process took me several years and that even after our service with the young people reached its Finally, I was able to learn and I was able to help my children and some friends. I started making natural soaps for them to wash their faces every night while I experimented making other kinds of products and trying to get them to know my business as (Liz Handcrafter) and more than a year and a half later one of my children gave us the idea that the business would become called Mama’s Lab since all the young people with whom I have lived and worked have called me Mom. Mama’s Lab officially started in July 2022 and from there it stopped being a project and became what it is today.

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

Oscar Wilde

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein

What I Do

Natural Soap, Candles & Body Care Products.

Current products: Bar Soaps (Body, Hand & Face), Body & Hand Lotions, Body Butters, Body Scrubs, Body Mist, Bath Bombs & Bath salts, Aromatic Candles, Lip Balms, Lip Scrubs, Shampoo & Conditioner Bars, Shower Steamers and more……

All the products we offer are intended to be made with the most natural ingredients in order to provide the best use experience, the categories of our products are for aromatic, therapeutic and nursing purposes even though some doesn’t specify on our labels, for more information please visit our blog where from time to time we publish scientific elemental properties of the ingredients we use.

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